Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) is working hard to bring visitors back to the Kingdom and has recently launched two new campaigns aimed at positioning the island as a ‘must see’ both for international tourists and those from our Gulf neighbours.
Launched in mid-June, and with a particular focus on post-virus Saudi Arabia, BTEA’s first campaign, titled #WeWillMeet, will run in the digital space and will take the form of a three-phase initiative – the ‘Inspirational’ which aims to grab attention through interactive online posts and live sessions; ’Encouragement’ focussing on activity promotion; and ‘Transformation’ involving face-to-face interaction with visitors once it is safe to begin staging events again.
Launched from the BTEA’s Instagram account, it is aimed at stakeholders in the tourism sector. A second campaign, Ihnee Fee Al Bahrain (Here in Bahrain), was launched at the end of June and will coincide with #WeWillMeet promoting the Kingdom’s unique attractions and experiences and, through extensive use of digital and social media, reminding people what the island has to offer.
As a result of the pandemic, huge numbers of people and businesses have moved online and the two-pronged approach is an end-to-end digital campaign that will not only target them but will also directly tap into a new segment and appeal to the millennials and Generation Zers.
With this move towards recovery in the hospitality industry, which has been hard hit by the necessary government restrictions in place to combat the spread of COVID-19, we spoke to senior managers from some of the Kingdom’s most prominent properties to find out how they are keeping existing guests safe and also their plans for when the market can safely reopen.