While things are slowly taking on a semblance of normality in the Kingdom, with commercial enterprises reopened and raring for business, we still need to be responsible and continue social distancing while not unnecessarily gallivanting around town, to protect ourselves and our families. But if the question ‘so, what do we do?’ still persists, read on for ideas to banish the boredom at home.
It has turned out that people admit to feeling pressured to be productive during the stay-at-home period to do all the gazillion things they wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. So they’re cooking up a storm and redecorating their spaces and Facetiming extended friends and family like there’s no tomorrow. It’s a rare opportunity, on some days, to savour unstructured hours. Make time for mid-day naps, long baths, walks on the grass and staring into space.
How many store-bought tubs of ice cream have you downed watching Netflix that are now lounging around your waistline? Make friends with the summer by cooling down with homemade fruit lollies using fresh seasonal produce like watermelon, strawberries, mango and mint. Add Greek yogurt for creaminess.
Stilling the mind and engaging with your core self makes tackling life’s realities easier. Many of us have brushed off the idea of meditation for various reasons, the most common one being ‘too busy’. Well, with just a few clicks of the mouse or logging on to a Zoom meeting, you could get closer to inner Zen. For instance, The Art of Living Foundation conducts a three-day online workshop to impart its Happiness Programme.
If there ever was a time to up your skills, even if it is just soft skills like better communication or how to be happier, it is now. An Ivy League certification may have been a distant dream, but is possible online these days, free in many cases. And you can also boast that you learnt the Korean language with none other than boy band BTS via their web series.
World-famous museums, opera houses, botanical gardens, theatres and national parks have virtually opened their doors so that you can indulge in art, culture and nature’s wonders. A virtual tour of the Great Barrier Reef with Sir David Attenborough, anyone? Or for some out-of-this-world amazement, NASA is organising virtual space tours right now. Many museums, galleries and libraries are offering free printable colouring sheets for kids. And, for an adrenaline kick, experience a rollercoaster ride on YouTube.